
Sign up



Didn’t get into the class you wanted? Don’t worry, you can join the waitlist! As spots open up in classes we automatically add people on the waitlist to those spots in the order they were signed up. Just like regular booking, you must have purchased class sessions in your account available, to get on the list. If you’re not added to the class list, the sessions will remain in your account for future use. You’ll receive both text and email confirmation with the option to decline the reservation. Please note that we assume you want to attend ALL classes you are waitlisted for. If you don not remove yourself from the waitlist before the cancellation window (see cancellation details below), it is possible you’ll be added to the class after it’s too late to cancel. Additionally, we do not offer “switching” of classes. If you have a spot reserved in one class, and you are added off the waitlist to another class, then you are responsible for both classes.